CALculating the Center Of Mass

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The center of mass (COM) of a protein was used for defining costraints useful to predict protein tertiary models, to assess the global shape of proteins in protein-protein complexes and to measure their distance and the opening of the dimer complexes.

Given a protein composed from atoms, the cartesian coordinates of its center of mass are calculated like

where ai is one of three cartesian coordinates (xi, yi and zi) of the atom i and mi is its atomic mass.

CALCOM is a tool to calculate the cartesian coordinates of the center of mass of a single chain, as well as complexed chains, to evaluate the distance between the proteins present in dimers, and to measure the distance of some or all amino acids to the center of mass in order to can assess residues as interior or surface.

Examples of input formats are available here. Click here to access the input form.

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